LIC Bima Shree

//(Plan No 948)

LIC Bima Shree

LIC's Bima Shree Plan is a with-profit money back insurance plan. It is a non-linked, participating, individual, life assurance saving plan which comes with a limited premium payment term. Launched on 1st February, 2020, LIC Bima Shree has a policy term of 14, 16, 18 and 20 years with a premium paying term of 10, 12, 14 and 16 years, respectively. It is specially designed for High Net-worth Individuals and has a minimum Basic Sum Assured of Rs. 10 lakhs. The plan promises Guaranteed Additions and Loyalty Additions at maturity.

LIC's Bima Shree Plan – Returns

  • Survival Benefits
  • Death Benefit:
  • Maturity Benefits

Guaranteed Additions – For all active policies, a Guaranteed Addition at the rate of Rs.50 per thousand of the Basic Sum Assured for the first five years and Rs.55/- per thousand of the Basic Sum Assured from 6th policy year onwards till the end of premium paying term is paid at the end of each policy year for which full year's premiums have been paid. In case the premiums are not duly paid, the Guaranteed Additions shall cease to accrue under the policy.

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